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Drosera rotundifolia

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RM 15.90
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RM 15.90
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Drosera rotundifolia, commonly known as the Round-leaved Sundew, is a carnivorous plant that is native to wetlands and bog habitats in Europe, North America, and Asia. It can be found in regions with cool temperate climates, including parts of Canada, the United States, Europe, and Russia.

Drosera rotundifolia is a unique and fascinating plant to include in aquascapes. The plant features small, round leaves covered in tiny, hair-like structures called tentacles that secrete a sticky substance. These tentacles are used to trap and digest small insects and other prey. The leaves of the Round-leaved Sundew can turn vibrant red when exposed to bright light, adding even more visual interest to the aquascape.

Drosera rotundifolia has been introduced to aquariums and terrariums by plant enthusiasts who appreciate its carnivorous nature and intriguing appearance. Drosera rotundifolia requires bright, indirect lighting to grow well. Placing the plant near a source of bright artificial light or near a sunny window can provide the necessary light intensity. As a carnivorous plant, it derives some of its nutrients from prey caught on its sticky tentacles. However, in an aquarium setting, it may be challenging for the plant to capture enough prey to meet its nutritional needs. Supplemental feeding with small insects, such as fruit flies or gnats, can help ensure the plant receives adequate nutrition.

Maintaining Drosera rotundifolia in an aquarium involves monitoring the moisture levels of the substrate and ensuring adequate lighting and humidity. The plant should be watered regularly, keeping the substrate evenly moist but not waterlogged. Dead or decaying leaves can be gently removed to maintain the plant's appearance and prevent the accumulation of organic matter.

Native: Europe

Light Requirement: Moderate to High

CORequirement: N/A

Position: Mixture of sphagnum moss and sand