• Photo_1699669881432

Gratiola viscidula

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RM 15.90
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RM 15.90
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RM 0.00
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Gratiola viscidula or common name "Hedge hyssop" is native to different regions around the world, including North America, Europe, and Asia. The plant typically features small, lance-shaped leaves and delicate, white or purple flowers. It requires a submerged environment with sufficient lighting and nutrient-rich substrate. Gratiola viscidula can be planted directly in the substrate or as a floating plant, adding an attractive touch to the aquarium.

When introducing hedge hyssop to an aquarium, it's important to ensure water conditions, such as temperature and pH, are suitable for its growth. Additionally, regular trimming and maintenance may be necessary to keep the plant healthy and prevent overgrowth.

Native: North America, Europe & Asia

Light Requirement: Moderate to  High

CORequirement: Moderate

Position: Foreground or Midground